Users often benefit from quickly and easily locating their device's name, but physical lettering may not function universally. BGInfo (BgInfo - Windows Sysinternals | Microsoft Docs) is a well-known solution for this issue. However, I find BGInfo less optimal on work devices, especially when users can change the background image themselves. The picture or info display may be distorted based on the resolution or picture. I transitioned to the DesktopInfo program (Desktop Info – Glenn's Page (, which I highly appreciate. With the right configuration, DesktopInfo displays the hostname on the wallpaper, and users can format the display as desired. Distributing the configuration for the Desktop Hostname through Intune is easily achievable.

Glenn has various examples of this on his homepage.

Distribution via Microsoft Intune

I created a Win32 package for the automated distribution: 

install.ps11. Open log
2. End existing DesktopInfo processes
3. Copy DesktopInfo.exe, hostname.ini and DesktopInfo.ps1 to the device
4. Create VBScript for program start
5. Create a scheduled task with the "Logon" trigger. --> Action: Start DesktopInfo with hostname.ini
6. Start the task
DesktopInfo.exeProgram file
DesktopInfo.ps1Starts the EXE with the argument of hostname.ini
hostname.iniDefines appearance of the PC name
DesktopInfo.pngImage for Win32 Package
check.ps1Checks the installation using the EXE version
uninstall.ps1Deletes the scheduled task and the local program data

For the logic of the Win32 app package I have my template as in the post "my take on win32 apps - Intune | scloud" described used.

Upload the intunewin file

Für die Logik des Win32 App-Paketes habe ich meine Vorlage, wie im Post "my take on win32 apps - Intune | scloud" beschrieben verwendet.

Upload der intunewin-Datei

Intune add win32 app
  • Select the install.intunwwin file and define at least the title and the publisher:
DesktopInfo app, Intune
  • Store installation and deinstallation commands as a system
Install command%SystemRoot%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command .\install.ps1
Uninstall command%SystemRoot%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command .\uninstall.ps1
installation parameters in Intune
  • Requirements 64bit and any Windows version.
  • Detection rule, check.ps1
Detection rule for DesktopInfo
  • We have no dependencies.
  • Assign your win32 application and that it.


In conclusion, the article highlights the importance of quick device identification and suggests DesktopInfo as a versatile solution, especially in work environments where user-customizable backgrounds pose challenges for other tools like BGInfo. The author details the distribution process through Microsoft Intune, offering a Win32 package and step-by-step instructions. By leveraging DesktopInfo's customizable features and easy distribution via Intune, users can efficiently display their device's hostname on the wallpaper, enhancing the overall user experience. The provided scripts and detection rules contribute to a straightforward deployment process, making DesktopInfo a practical choice for managing device information in a corporate setting.