win32 App Deployment automated

I have many different customers that basically need the same/similar base of win32 apps in Microsoft Intune. Entering the apps each time with the intunewin file, the name, the publisher, installation commands, etc. is unsatisfactory work. So, it would be...

  • 18. January 2022

Chocolatey - Programm Installation - Intune

In the last post (chocolatey - basic installation | scloud) I wrote about how we install Chocolatey and thus ensure the basis for installing applications via Chocolatey. For the distribution of the applications via Chocolatey, I also create a Win32...

  • 29. August 2021

chocolatey - basic installation with Intune

In order to install programs via Chocolatey in Intune, Chocolatey itself must be installed as a basis.I have summarized how it works and what Chocolatey is here. This post is the first part of a series on managing Chocolatey applications...

  • 14. August 2021