Standard templates are not only available in Word and Outlook. This is also available for PowerPoint. However, it is not called "Normal" here, but simply "blank.potx". To distribute this standard PowerPoint template with Intune, I've put together a package. This is very simple and does nothing other than store the template file on the end device in the user context.
As always, I have put the package in my GitHub repository. The ZIP "PowerPoint" includes the whole folder to allow for an easy download.
Table of Contents
- Prepare PowerPoint Template package
- Distribute PowerPoint Template with Intune
- Update PowerPoint Template
Prepare PowerPoint Template package
It didn't help much in preparation. The biggest effort will most likely be designing the actual template.
If you hate this and my package template, you can save your template in the packages folder with the name "blank.potx". (You can delete or overwrite my example "blank.potx".)
Once your template has been saved with the correct name, you can create an "Intuenwin" file from the package. Download the current "Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool" and run it. In this you enter the folder path to the package, the installation file (install.ps1) and the desired output folder for the "Intuenwin" file. We don't need a "catalog folder".
Distribute PowerPoint Template with Intune
To upload the created package with the PowerPoint standard template in Microsoft Endpoint Manager / Intune, navigate to "Apps > Windows apps" and select +Add, Windows App (Win32).
On the first page you upload the "install.intunewin" created in the previous step and enter a package name, a description and a publisher. In addition, I always like to store an icon and give the whole thing some color, especially in the company portal.
On the second page you have to enter the installation and uninstallation command. It is also important that you set the installation behavior to "User".
install command | %SystemRoot%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -executionpolicy bypass -command .\install.ps1 |
uninstall command | %SystemRoot%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -executionpolicy bypass -command .\uninstall.ps1 |
The requirements in the next step are not very relevant, but must be set.
In the detection rule, you can upload the "check.ps1" included in the package.
You can skip the dependencies and supersedence. Finally, you only have to assign the app to a desired target group.
Update PowerPoint Template
If you would like to update your PowerPoint template, you can do this by adjusting the «blank.potx» and the version in the second line of «install.ps1» and «check.ps1». You can then repackage the Win32 app and upload it to the existing app in the Endpoint Manager. Don't forget to upload the "check.ps1" again!
Thanks! Flawless.