Do you have a new device or one you used for testing, which is Autopilot registered in the wrong tenant / organization?
Sometimes the logo or welcome text doesn't give too much information's about the company.
And this is probably what you see:
Or you try to upload a Hardware Hash with the "Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo" script and see the "Error 808 ZtdDeviceAssignedToOtherTenant"
Find Autopilot Profile Info in Registry
Don't wanna fight the registry?
Check out my script wich finds the Autopilot Infos for you:
In the local registry (if a device downloaded the Autopilot profile) you'll find the Tenant ID, Domain and some more information:
Tenant ID
Path | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Provisioning\Diagnostics\Autopilot |
Key | CloudAssignedTenantDomain |
Autopilot Profile Info
Path | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Provisioning\AutopilotPolicyCache |
Key | PolicyJsonCache |
Thats it. So easy you can get your Autopilot Infos in case a device is registered in the wrong organization. Of cores navigating the registry is not always the most comfortable way, but it works (as long as the device was able to fetch the Autopilot profile).