For daily support work, most of the same information is needed from the user, such as username, device name, network information and group memberships. This information can be displayed to the user with a tool, for example. But with longer information like IP addresses or serial numbers there can be errors. Therefore I wrote a script that sends this support information with one click to a defined teams channel.
Table of Contents
Function / Demo
Here is a simple illustration of what the script does and the corresponding output in Teams:
Prepare the Team channel
To be able to receive the information in a team channel, you must first activate an incoming webhook on it.
You set up the webhook via the three dots in the channel under "Connectors". In this menu, select "Add" twice under "Incoming Webhook".
Once the incoming webhook is added as a connector, we can configure it. To do this, we go to the "Connectors" in the channel again. This time we no longer see "Add" but "Configure" and can give the "Incoming Webhook" a name and, if desired, also a display image. The display image will later be shown like that of a user when creating conversations.
After clicking on "Create" the URL appears, which we will need later in our script.
Copy it.
Script customization
In the script you just need to add the URL of the webhook, then everything is ready.
Script / Function preparation
Theoretically you could simply place the script on a share and the user can execute it with a right click and the option "execute with PowerShell". Of course, this is anything but user-friendly.
Simple Taskbar Tool
To distribute it in a very simple way, I created you a minimal "Tasktray" tool, through which the user can send the support information to the appropriate Teams channel.
The tool also displays the PC name and the IP address used:
I have already created the tool as Intunewin (so you only need to download this one).
You can also find the installation files on GitHub:
You can then add the Intunewin as a Win32 app to your Intune environment.
Add it here: Apps > Windows apps
... and upload the Intunewin-file:
After that, you give the app a name and a meaningful description. You also need to specify a publisher.
The logo is optional and will be displayed when you publish the app to the company portal.
Name | Support Info |
Description | Allows the user to send information about their device to the defined support team channel. |
Here you need to specify the install and uninstall command.
This is:
install command | %SystemRoot%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -executionpolicy bypass -command .\install.ps1 |
uninstall command | %SystemRoot%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -executionpolicy bypass -command .\uninstall.ps1 |
Install behavior | System |
There are no special requirements for the app, but you must fill it.
For the detection rule I prepared the file "check.ps1".
There are no dependencies or supersedence here.
You just have to assign the app to a group and that's it.
If the PowerShell window remains open for the user, this is due to the startup behavior of PowerShell, which is set to "Windows Terminal" in the latest Windows versions. You have to change this to "Windows Console Host".
Here is described how: Command Prompt and Windows Powershell for Windows 11 - Microsoft Support
Include SelfX
Damien Van Robaeys has created a very cool program with the tool SelfX, in which you can easily provide your own scripts and bug fixes for end users.
If you want to include this script, you can copy it into the program folder and add the following lines to the XML (Issues_List.xml):
<Name>Send Device Information to Support</Name>
<Explanation>Send Device Information like Device name, Username, Network and Group memberships to Support</Explanation>
<Alerte_MSG>Do you want to send your Device Information's for support purposes?
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
Integration System Information and Self Service Tool
Jannik Reinhard's Tool "System Information and Self Service Tool" primarily presents information from the device, but similar to SelfX it also offers the possibility to include your own scripts.
Again, you can simply add the script by adding a file (_actions.json, lines 11-14):
"actions": [
"actionName": "Clear recycle bin",
"script": "Invoke-ClearRecycleBin.ps1"
"actionName": "Change Password",
"script": "Invoke-ChangePassword.ps1"
"actionName": "Send Device Information to Support",
"script": "SendToHelpdesk_Teams.ps1"
Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)
This is very handy Where do we add the URL of the webhook in which script ?
in line 2, just replace the content of:
$WebHookURL = ""