The customization of the wallpaper and the lock screen with Intune via the Settings Catalog as locally with GPOs is only possible with a Windows Enterprise license. This means that companies using the Microsoft 365 Business Premium license cannot easily set the wallpaper or lock screen with Intune.
But there are solutions here too, with a Win32 package you can set the same settings manually. You also have the advantage that you don't have to store the image on a web server, you can simply put it in a Win32 package.
Table of Contents
- Description
- Customize wallpaper and lockscreen
- Update wallpaper or lock screen
- Remove wallpaper and lock screen
- Summary
My prepared package sets the desktop background and/or the lock screen for Windows 10 / 11. You can include the desired image files as JPG or PNG in the package and distribute them to the devices in your company with Intune.
You can find the package including example in my GitHub repository:
Customize wallpaper and lockscreen
Customization with your images is very simple, you just have to place them in the "Data"put down and in"install.ps1" in line 6 and 7 with the appropriate name:
Do you only want the lock screen or background, you can just leave the other value blank.
Once this is done, you can generate an Intunewin from the whole package.
To do this, proceed as follows:
- Load the current one Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool down
- Open the downloaded "IntuneWinAppUtil.exe"
- Provide the path to your package
- Specify the installation file: install.ps1
- Enter the path to the storage of the .intunewin file
- If there is already a file with the corresponding name, you can delete / overwrite it
- For the Catalog Folder question, we choose No (N)
- Done, that was creating the Win32 App / "intunewin".
You can now upload this file to Intune as a Win32 app.
Intune > Apps > Windows apps > +Add
In the next step you give the app a name, a description and the publisher. These fields are mandatory. All others are optional.
In the program settings we have to store the installation behavior as well as the installation and deinstallation command.
The behavior is"system" and you can find the two commands in the table below.
install command | %SystemRoot%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command .\install.ps1 |
uninstall command | %SystemRoot%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command .\uninstall.ps1 |
There is nothing special in the requirements, just make sure that all your devices are covered.
With the Detection Rule you can upload the prepared script "check.ps1".
We don't have dependencies and supersedence here, you can skip these two steps and make the assignment to the desired group at the end.
That's it, as soon as the app is installed on the end devices, the background image and the lock screen are adjusted and can no longer be changed by the user.
Update wallpaper or lock screen
To update a package that has already been distributed, you can follow the steps almost exactly as for the creation. All you have to do is increase the version in the two files "install.ps1" and "check.ps1".
You can find the version in both packages in the second line:
Once you have done that, you create the Intunewin again.
You then no longer have to recreate the package in Intune, but can replace the existing Intunewin and detection.
To do this, edit the app and update the two files:
Then save the package again and wait until the update has been distributed.
Remove wallpaper and lock screen
As long as the wallpaper and/or lock screen settings are set, the user cannot change them. If you no longer want this, you can change the assignment of the app to "uninstall" change.
To do this, open the app and edit the "Assignments" at the bottom:
Setting up the wallpaper and lock screen for devices that aren't licensed under Windows Enterprise isn't easy, but it can be done. The only advantage I see with this solution is that the customer does not have to publish the image on a web server.
Of course, I would wish that these settings for wallpaper and lock screen could also be made for "Microsoft 365 Business Premium" customers via the Settings Catalog in Intune...
But once the whole thing is set up, it doesn't really matter.
I created a power shell remediation to apply the wallpaper and lockscreen, basically the marketing team replace the file on the blob storage.
Hi Florian,
I encountered a 0x80070001 error message while running the program. This error code indicates a problem with the file system. Could you please check if you have the latest version of the software and if the file paths are correct in your testing environment?
Mohan Thava
Thanks followed instructions it works from the intune side of things but doesnt install anything as the log keeps throwing up this error Cannot find path 'C:\Windows\system32\Data\lockscreen.jpg' because it does not exist." - the script is adding the data folder? - Any help would be appreciated
Did you test it in System context?
Maybe this helps:
Hmmm, doesn't seem to work. After reviewing the logs, it says "PermissionedDenied". I believe it's unauthorised to copy the .jpg over to the System32 folder for some reason.
It might be the security and all users are just standard users, we don't use Company Portal at the moment.
Thanks for publishing though!
You need to deploy it in system context, otherwise you can't change those registry keys.
Thanks so much, it's working now kudos!!
I too have encountered a 0x80070001 error message while running the program.
This error message appears to be too vague to narrow down the root cause.
Any suggestions for troubleshooting?
There is a log wirten at:
Where you schould see what excaltly went wrong.
Check the file format, I had the same problem. Notice image was saving as jpg.
Is there away to set the wallpaper to fill/stretch/fit the screen as we have all different devices with different screen resolution so some of our devices the wallpaper cuts off slightly.
This is great guide thank you!
With this CSP unfortunately not.
Hi there Florian, is there an easy way to change this up to set the desktop/lock screen images but still allow end-users to change the background afterwards?
Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately not with this method. You would have to download a Windows desktop theme.
Thank you very much Florian!
It worked perfectly for me in W10 Pro devices.
Thanks so much for this! We've been racking our brains trying to figure out a suitable way to deploy branded images on a business premium subscription.
Just a quick question; is there a way we could edit this script to allow for multiple desktop images to be deployed? Sort of like a slideshow of sorts.
Not with this technique, you need to create a desktop theme.
I will add that in my backlog for new posts 😉
Can I use a Sharepoint Online shared Link as my wallpaper source? Im currently having issues with this. We are trying to avoid using a Blob Storage as we dont want to expose content out to the public, please advice. thank you.
Unfortunately not 🙁
A blob storage or github link would work.
In this Script its disables user being able to change there desktop image. Is there a way that I Can run this script but still give the users to ability to change there desktop image?
This method changes the CSP key, which cannot be changed by the user. If you want the user to be able to change the background, you would need to deploy a Windows theme.